Lighting Design

Daytime Running Light for Motorbikes


Lighting Design Project to establish another layer of security to daily traffic


The Challenge


It was a lot easier for Motorbikes to be seen on daytime, when cars did not need to drive with lights on. They where the only ones.

Today, the Branding is mostly done with the looks of the daytime running light. To get a unique standing it is important to have a good styling as well. this is called lighting design.

For those Reasons it makes Sense to develop an upgradeable daytime running light for Motorbikes, which can be purchased in aftersales.



Daytime running lights are specialy fitted to shine their light into the Eyesight of approaching traffic (yes, that can hurt) and in front of you. But they are not made to give a better sight of the Street, since the angle is not good for this. This makes it possible to achieve a linebased Design, because the lighting design is more freed of geometrical limitation, given by law of physics.

The Lamp is mounted on a bridge between the suspensionforks. The only thing to take care of is the suspensiondistance to the wheel. Alternatively, the lamp can be mounted on the suspensionfork itself.



To find the right niche in the market, the new registrations in previous years were examined during the research phase. The best selling Motorbikes where then taken as a reference for their lighting design, body language and styling elements. Also they where measured to find a good place for mounting the final product. The Styling was examined to make the Lamp a good match to most of the bikes.


Daytime Running Light

The Lamp was developed as Bachelorthesis at the Delvis GmbH in Wolfsburg. A functional Prototype was build and the concept was proposed to various OEMs. Unfortunately, the Laws where still quite uncertain when finishing the Project.

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